Monday, August 14, 2017

How to Get a Guy to Like You

August 14, 2017 0 Comments

These methods may and may not work since every guy is different and he might not have any feelings for you.

  1. The first step is to be yourself, don't change who you are just for a guy. Most guys like girls who are sure of themselves and does not need anyone to tell them that they are beautiful. 
  2. The second step is to have a sense of humor whether you are with him or with other people. If you guys are not friends already and he sees you being funny with his friends, he might want to befriend you and since you guys might have a common friend so why not. No guys want a girl who is serious all the time exact during a serious situation. 
  3. The third step is to not be rude or mean towards anyone. No one wants to date a bully. Being mean might even scare him off since he's probably going to be afraid of you and your opinion of him. 
  4. The fourth step is to become his friend. There are so many ways you can befriend him but here are the two ways to do that. The first way you can do that is by making one of his friends who you are friend with introduced him to you which would make things easier and less awkward. The second way is to go introduce yourself to him, It might be awkward since he does not really know you. The worst thing that can happen is him rejecting you. 
  5. The fifth step which should be the first step since it's the most important step out all of those steps is to make sure you are not talking to any other guy. What I mean by talking to another guy that means don't flirt with any other guy beside him. Also, make sure you are not leading anyone on. He has to know that you are only interested in him and that you are a loyal person, talking to other guys while talking to him is a sign that you are not a loyal or honest person. 
  6. The last step is to make sure he knows you are into him, you can do that by telling him that you like him in person or flirt with him online or both in person and online. If you guys have been talking and he hasn't asked you out on a date, ask him yourself. He might have been scared to ask you just like you were scared to ask him.

Friday, June 16, 2017

How to Smell Good On your Period

June 16, 2017 0 Comments

During a women menstrual cycle aka period, it's there worst fear of smelling bad. Here are some tips on how to smell good during the week of your period.

  1. The first tip is to use a tampon. No, you are NOT losing your virginity. When using a tampon you don't feel the blood dripping out of your vagina so you won't smell.
  2. The second tip is to change your tampon or pad regularly. Keeping it on too long can cause problems and can increase your chance of smelling bad. Pads and Tampons are met to be changed every hour or less depending on how much you bleed.
  3. The third tip is to shower every day, morning and night maybe evening if you got the chance to. When choosing what types of soaps to use, you should buy a plain soap that does not have any substances that contain perfume chemicals in it or any soap that has a strong smell to it because your vagina has a bacterial that clean you. Soaps actually keep the bacteria from fighting infections that can make your vagina smell.
  4. The fourth tip is to use body wipes when changing into a new pad or tampon. If you are out, you should always keep a small wipe in your bag so when you go to the bathroom to change you can use it. 
  5. The fifth tip is to keep your underwear clean. DON'T wear the same underwear every day or twice and wash them regularly.
  6. The last tip is to always carry more than one pad or tampon with you everywhere you go so you don't dirty yourself.
Those are the six ways to keep your self-clean and smell good during your period. I also use some of those methods and they work. I'm not saying you have to do all the steps listed above nor do every girl smells bad during the month they on their period. If you guys have any tips you want to share, feel free to comment them down below or email them to me. If you need any advice you can email me or comment below and I will answer to you.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

12 Things About Me

June 07, 2017 0 Comments

I want you guys to get to know me better so here are 12 things about me post. It's questions and answer. I Will like to get to know you guys too. So leave a comment below about whatever you want and I will read them and reply to your comments.
  1. Favorite song at the moment? My favorite song at the moment is not only just one song but a whole album by Halsey. I literally obsessed with her album Badlands and she's such an amazing singer.

  2. What is your favorite food? I honestly don't have a favorite food

  3. What is the last thing you bought? The last thing I bought is a bag of hot Cheetos since I'm in love with it.

  4. Favorite book of all time? I don't think I have a favorite book of all time because every time I read a book they somehow inspired me. On my next blog post, I will make sure to write a book recommendation post.

  5. Favorite Color? My favorite color is purple for some odd reason but I'm also in love with any types of blue color.

  6. Do you have any pets? No, I don't. they all died for some reason but I do love all animals equality besides snakes. Animal abuse is something that is strongly against.

  7. Favorite holiday? Christmas for sure because of its a time of giving and joy to me and it's when I get the gifts I been wanted for a long time.

  8. Do you have any bad habits? I do actually, I eat so much hot Cheetos every summer.

  9. Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times? Of course, I was not born in the United States. since I moved to America I haven't really been out of the country.

  10. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? London, I don't have a reason why.

  11. What are five things that make you most happy right now? Phone, Computer, My planner, Room, My Inspiration notebook.

  12. Pet peeves: Loud chewing. People who scuff their feet. People who don't cover their mouths when they cough. People who are always negative. People who use the same pickup lines with everyone they interested in.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Alchemist

June 06, 2017 0 Comments

The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, is by far the most educational book about life. There is billion book that educates people about life. The Alchemist is one of those books that you will read hundred times.
What is The Alchemist about?
The Alchemist is about a shepherd named Santiago who leaves his home to search for a treasure. On his way, he learns that following your personal legend is the most important. That it is not going to be easy and that he had to fight for it.
On his way, that Santiago went to some major conflicts. His major conflict is that he had to choose whether to continue going after his personal legend or go back home. Santiago had many people to help him fulfill his goal. One of the most influential people Santiago have met was The Alchemist. The second one is more of a thing than an actual human being that helped the Sun. The third person that helped Santiago is the king of Salem who gave Santiago directions. The fourth person, The gypsy helps him by telling him where the treasure is. The Englishman helped him learn about what life is.
On his journey, there were a lot of things and people that hindered Santiago in pursuit of his goals. 
What the importance of reading The Alchemist?
The Alchemist send a strong message about life through Santiago journey. The message is that they should chase their dreams and the effects of not following one's dream.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

All About The Author And The Blog

June 01, 2017 0 Comments

I have been blogging for two years now using different sites that I didn't feel like I have a connection with till I started this blog. But now I decided that I wanted to take my blog to a new level by writing about things that I find interested and things that other people care about and can relate and topics that related to me instead of writing about things that I don't care about.


The real reason that I start blogging is that I wanted to try something new without someone telling me that I can't do it. Blogging for me is like winning a lottery because it gives me a voice that people will listen to and it also one of my passion. Blogging also makes me feel happy when someone writes a nice comment and saying thank you for helping them.

Upcoming Events

There will be lots of giveaways starting in the summer and there will also be a live Hangout event around that year if the blog gets 1234 page views. I am also creating a game that based on the blog probably around the year 2018. Creating games has always been something I'm interested in. The reason I'm not doing it this year is that I don't want to hurry anything up and ends up making something that I don't like and I also want to know what my viewer's interests are since I'm creating it for them to play. That year might be the best year to launch a game base on the blog. I'm going to be blogging how-tos topics for the next six months if you guys want me to continue you can contact me at or and you can also leave a comment below on the how-to page or in any pages you choose to.

What this Blog Going To Be About?

This blog will focus on daily life advice and celebrity news and fan questions, beauty tips, latest fashion, reviews, how-tos and anything teen related. If you guys need advice on anything feel to comment below on any of the blog posts or email me. If it's a personal question you need advice on and you don't want anyone to see it you can email it to me and then I will email you back. Don't be afraid to tell me what you think or feel and what you need advice on because I won't share it with anyone nor online.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

How To Start A Blog

May 30, 2017 0 Comments

  1. The first step of starting a blog is to discovered what you love to blog about. The reason why coming up with a plan on what you love is to make sure you blogging about something you care about and love. If you don't do that you will not put any effort to something you don't care about. Some examples of what you can blog about is Gaming, Beauty, Food, Politics, about you, etc.
  2.  Come Up with you blog name- the second step is to brainstorm blog name by brainstorming blog name you wont have to make up a random name for your blog because that name is probably already taken by someone else.
  3.  To decide where to create your blog- some platform that you can use if you have no idea about what HTML is and how to design your own blog. I got a list of platform for you. Is free and easy to you. It already do most of the work for you and all you have to do is change your setting and desire. In blogger you can create more than one blog. And it free and blogger is own by google so you can easily get more traffic to your new blog. Tumblr allow you to make video and picture. I recommend this blog to people who is interested in blogging about fashion and the style. However tumblr is very hardy to everyone else.

WordPress- WordPress takes more time than tumblr and blogger but it allows you to promote your blog and it have a lot of different plugin and feature you can use. And it free unless you want to have more feature into your blog.

 4.  buy your own domain to represent what you stand for. This is important because you don't want to your blog to have on it instead you should have your own domain name. If you want to know how to get a free domain name I will blog about it on my next how-to the series.

 5. The last step is to sign up for which ever platform you decide to go with and start customize and start blogging.

leave a comment below if you want to learn more about blogging and need help.
Thank you for reading! Have Fun Blogging!


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How to Get over A crush who doesn' t Like You

April 12, 2017 0 Comments

Every Girl has once in her life where she is interested in a guy who doesn't feel the same way about her. I know that for a fact I have experienced that and my girl-friends have to experience that too. Rejection is not an easy thing to deal with by yourself. It can make you depressed and there's time you probably won't want to hang out with the friend because you blamed yourself for them not liking you back. Here is three tip on how to get over a crush, those tips helped me when I was feeling like I wasn't important and was depressed because someone didn't like me back.

1. Don't Doubt that You are Not Beautiful- Just because he or she doesn't like you doesn't mean that you are not pretty enough or what he or she is looking for in a girl. You were your own unique person before you start liking him/her why change you just because of one guy/girl opinion. Some other guy/her might have a crush on you, you probably don't even know.

2. Be Happy- Don't be sad because he/she didn't like you back instead you should be grateful he/her didn't lead you on. Or to pretend to be your boyfriend/girlfriend just to have fun with you and show you off to his/her friends.

3.Hang Out With Friends- Sometimes in the time of sadness friends are the second person you know that can make you smile beside your family. By hanging out with them you will see what you have been missing out on because you were daydreaming or looking them up on social medias every day. The best way to get rip of the thoughts about him/her is to unfollow or unfriend online if you can do that in person do it if that will make you feel better.

4. Find Your Passion- Find yourself by signing up for sports, clubs or whatever you into. And most importantly move on because your soul mate might be out there waiting for you.

Here some other tips below

  •  Stop thinking about him.
  • Be Adventurous.
  • Hang out with family members.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Important Information

April 07, 2017 0 Comments
You can contact me using the information below. These are my blog contact information so the phone number listed below is my business phone number, and you can text me only.

Phone Number: 617-544-9413
Instagram: @girlybuzzofficial
Twitter: girly buzzGmail Account:
mail chimp:
Google Plus:

Thursday, January 5, 2017