Monday, August 14, 2017

# girl talk # home

How to Get a Guy to Like You

These methods may and may not work since every guy is different and he might not have any feelings for you.

  1. The first step is to be yourself, don't change who you are just for a guy. Most guys like girls who are sure of themselves and does not need anyone to tell them that they are beautiful. 
  2. The second step is to have a sense of humor whether you are with him or with other people. If you guys are not friends already and he sees you being funny with his friends, he might want to befriend you and since you guys might have a common friend so why not. No guys want a girl who is serious all the time exact during a serious situation. 
  3. The third step is to not be rude or mean towards anyone. No one wants to date a bully. Being mean might even scare him off since he's probably going to be afraid of you and your opinion of him. 
  4. The fourth step is to become his friend. There are so many ways you can befriend him but here are the two ways to do that. The first way you can do that is by making one of his friends who you are friend with introduced him to you which would make things easier and less awkward. The second way is to go introduce yourself to him, It might be awkward since he does not really know you. The worst thing that can happen is him rejecting you. 
  5. The fifth step which should be the first step since it's the most important step out all of those steps is to make sure you are not talking to any other guy. What I mean by talking to another guy that means don't flirt with any other guy beside him. Also, make sure you are not leading anyone on. He has to know that you are only interested in him and that you are a loyal person, talking to other guys while talking to him is a sign that you are not a loyal or honest person. 
  6. The last step is to make sure he knows you are into him, you can do that by telling him that you like him in person or flirt with him online or both in person and online. If you guys have been talking and he hasn't asked you out on a date, ask him yourself. He might have been scared to ask you just like you were scared to ask him.

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